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Why is the PTA always asking for money?

We get it. Funds are limited, and it feels like your kid is always selling some cheap chocolate or something that you have to buy. Why is the PTA always after your money, and what do they do with it? At Aversboro, it goes toward lots of cool things. Here's how it breaks down.

More than half of the money we raise goes directly to help our students. Student programs in the past have included things like memory books, 5th grade graduation, holiday gift shops, and spring carnivals, and with COVID restrictions being lifted, we're hoping to do some really fun things in the future.

All of the profits from our book fairs go directly back to the school so we can buy new books for our library.

Our cultural arts programs include an artist in residence who works with our 5th graders, a writer in residence who works with our 4th graders, and various other performances and workshops for children of all ages. Arts education is linked to lower dropout rates, higher test scores, and a greater sense of well-being. And exposure to other cultures, expands our worldview, making us more compassionate and showing us the beauty of diversity.

Another portion of our budget benefits our students indirectly by benefitting our teachers and staff. Supporting our teachers also supports our students, providing them with a safe, happy educational environment. That's why we try to keep our teachers well-fed and feeling loved.

And a small portion of the budget goes toward administrative fees we have to pay to be in compliance with the NC and National PTAs.

It takes money to make money, so a good chunk of our budget goes toward getting more money. We have to buy t-shirts to sell t-shirts. We have to buy doughnuts to sell doughnuts. We have to buy books to sell books. (We also have lots of ways to raise money without spending any, and we'll share those in a future post.)

But one place your money does not go is to our board members. We're all volunteers, and we rely on other involved parents and community members to help out. If you'd like to join us, just fill out a volunteer form to get started! Then (and this is super important), come to our first meeting on Tuesday, September 13 at 5:30 pm to vote on our budget for this year. You can attend in person at the school or virtually. Then we can really get to work!

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